At no time will offenders be permitted to reside in the Western District of Wisconsin without the permission of the district. Travel is not to be authorized for the purposes of seeking employment or residence without first satisfying the relocation requirements. Travel for terrorists and violent offenders is strongly discouraged.
Domestic violence cases are not permitted travel to the Western District of Wisconsin if a victim resides in this district, without prior approval and victim notification by the Probation Office in the originating district.
Relocation plans are to be submitted in writing at least 30 days prior to the anticipated relocation. Travel for relocation purposes requires prior approval. In circumstances when a request can not be submitted within the required time frame, contact the applicable supervision office for instructions.
Only offenders with significant ties to the Western District of Wisconsin, offenders with reasonably certain employment opportunities, enrollment in an education program unavailable in the district of origin, or when relocation would provide a high probability of success under supervision, will be considered.
Requests are to be sent directly to the appropriate supervision office (see Intranet site) and must include: a relocation request letter, copy of the Presentence Report and Judgement or sentencing data, the status of special conditions, description of violation behavior and the current status of financial obligations.
Relocation will not be considered for offenders who are currently in violation status, have serious violations in the past six months, or a long-standing pattern of noncompliant behavior.
Residency within the district after the rejection of a relocation request is not permitted.
Prior to authorizing travel of sex offenders to the Western District of Wisconsin, it is expected the supervising district follow the guidance in the Sex Offender Procedures Manual, Chapter 7, Section 7.50. Any sex offender seeking travel in excess of ten days is required to register with the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry upon arrival. The supervising district should contact local law enforcement to inquire on local sex offender residency restrictions. Any sex offender who has been previously committed to a civil treatment facility is barred from temporary or permanent residence within 1,500 feet from any school, child care facility, public park, place of worship, youth center, nursing home, or assisted living facility.
Recreational travel for sex offenders to the Western District of Wisconsin is highly discouraged.
Regarding sex offenders, requests for relocation to the Western District of Wisconsin must include the JOC; PSR; a completed summary of aftercare conduct including compliance history, current treatment, and medications. The offender must also reside within a reasonable distance to the contract treatment providers or demonstrate a willingness and ability to travel the distance to the provider. Acceptance of the transfer of supervision may be contingent upon the originating district obtaining a modification to include conditions of search and seizure and for specific offender treatment including a complete psycho-sexual assessment and polygraph. As applicable to each individual case, required conditions may also include restrictions from contact with minors, computer use, employment restrictions, and a prohibition from possessing and/or viewing pornography.